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Myanmar Companies Yearbook out

The Myanmar Companies Yearbook, a groundbreaking publication that contains key information about the leading companies in Myanmar, was launched by the FWP Research Co. Ltd in November. The FWP Research, a Tokyo-based research and survey firm, said it published The Myanmar Companies Yearbook (English version) Vol.1,toimprove the transparency of companies in the country. The yearbook […]

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Indonesia: Natural Disasters Push People into Poverty: Minister Khofifah

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa has said that natural disasters that have hit several regions in Indonesia, have push people into poverty again. “Some 80 percent of people affected by natural disasters have finally pushed them into poverty again. Although, they had previously been categorized as prosperous,” she said on Sunday. She cited […]

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Thailand: Year-end bonuses a mixed bag

It’s that time of year again, when salarymen yearn for year-end bonuses as a reward for their tireless efforts to boost productivity and strengthen companies’ operating results. Despite stronger corporate profits and improved economic momentum, employees should keep in mind that these factors do not always translate into higher bonuses, as cost-cutting measures and business […]

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Domestic demand to support Malaysian economic growth

IN the wake of weaker business conditions and consumer sentiment, coupled with a decline in manufacturing data, there are concerns that Malaysia’s recent strong economic growth may not be sustained. “Domestic demand has been lifting growth. Despite falling business conditions and consumer sentiment in the third quarter, Malaysians continue to spend and invest. “This lead […]

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