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Singapore Q3 GDP grows 4.7pct, slightly below forecast

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s economy expanded slightly less than expected in the third quarter from the previous quarter on an annualised basis, with growth supported by an improvement in the construction sector, preliminary data showed on Friday. The economy grew 4.7 percent in the July-September period from the previous three months on an annualised and seasonally adjusted […]

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Alipay retains its allure

Alipay’s transaction volume in Thailand ranked No.2 globally, behind Hong Kong, and was tops in Southeast Asia, tallying 1.4 times last year’s volume, while the average spending per user of 1,584 yuan (7,501 baht) was 0.95 times last year’s figure.  During China’s Golden Week holiday (Oct 1-7), Alipay, the world’s largest mobile payment and lifestyle platform, […]

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Philippine finance chief expects 6.5% GDP growth

MANILA: Philippine finance secretary Carlos Dominguez said the economy would sustain growth exceeding 6% this year, as investment and infrastructure spending help counter the impact of higher interest rates. “We’re confident that we can weather the storms but we’re not complacent,” Dominguez said in an interview with Bloomberg Television in Bali yesterday, when asked about inflation. […]

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Monetary Authority of Singapore
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Singapore tightens monetary policy on steady growth outlook

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s central bank tightened monetary policy for a second time this year, encouraged by steady economic growth despite worsening U.S.-China trade tensions. The Monetary Authority of Singapore, which uses the exchange rate as its main policy tool, raised the slope of its currency band slightly, according to a statement on its website Friday. That […]

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Myanmar: More mixed-use projects springing up in Yangon

Over the last few years, more and more building projects featuring a combination of residential units, hotels, shopping centres and office spaces have been coming up around the city. The projects, called mixed-use developments, will add to the vibrancy of the city although there are those who fear they will compound the traffic situation.  The […]

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Malaysia August industrial output up 2.2% on-year

KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 11): Malaysia’s industrial production index (IPI) increased 2.2% in August 2018 from a year earlier as manufacturing and electricity output rose, the Statistics Department said today. In a statement today, the department said the IPI’s manufacturing and electricity segments increased 4.3% and 4% respectively while the mining component declined 4.6%. “The Department […]

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