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Indonesia: Ministry projects decline in mineral exports

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry expects a decline in the export of mineral resources this year because of production cuts by large mining companies. The ministry’s mineral business supervision director, Yunus Saefulhak, said two major copper and gold miners, PT Freeport Indonesia and PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara, for example, would scale back copper […]

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Thailand: Soft drinks’ tax haul gains 2-3%

Excise revenue collected from soft drinks for the first five months of fiscal 2019 rose by 2-3%, with full-year revenue collection targeted at 25 billion baht, says the Excise Department.  The 2-3% revenue increase totals around 300 million baht, said Nattakorn Utensut, director of tax planning at the department.  Fiscal 2019 began in October 2018.  […]

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Philippines: Alcohol excise tax seen to raise P237 billion

MANILA, Philippines — A Senate bill which seeks to raise the excise taxes imposed on alcoholic beverages is expected to generate P236.6 billion in additional revenues over the next five years, according to the Department of Finance (DOF). Finance Undersecretary Karl Kendrick Chua said Senate Bill 2197, as proposed by Sen. Manny Pacquiao, may increase […]

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Indonesia: Foreign exchange reserves strengthen in February

The issuance of foreign-denominated global bonds by the government has contributed to strengthening the country’s foreign exchange reserve position, Bank Indonesia (BI) announced on Friday. Foreign exchange reserves were recorded at US$123.3 billion in February, higher than the $120.1 billion that was booked in January. The central bank estimated the current foreign exchange reserve level […]

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