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Singapore economy unexpectedly shrinks as trade woes worsen

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s economy unexpectedly contracted in the second quarter as exports continued to plunge amid a worsening global economy. Gross domestic product in the trade-reliant city state declined an annualised 3.4% in the quarter compared with the first three months of the year. That compared with growth of 3.8% in the first quarter and 0.5% […]

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Thailand: Private sector sees economic light

Political uncertainties clouding the economy will likely ease to some extent with the new cabinet in place, but the private sector remains concerned about the ability of the 19-party coalition government to deliver policies. Kalin Sarasin, chairman of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, said it’s too early for the private sector to make any comments […]

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Thailand: Local e-commerce players ramp up price war

Thailand’s e-commerce price wars are intensifying as online retailers sacrifice margins by cutting product prices and offering discounts while reducing subsidies on shipping to ease losses. Lazada, the e-commerce arm under China-based Alibaba, said Thailand ranks third in mobile shopping on its platform behind China and Indonesia. Lazada Thailand is also considering opening its first […]

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Malaysia among top 10 in cross-border capital for commercial property investments in Asia-Pacific

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia saw an 18% year-on-year increase in cross-border capital for commercial property investments in the first quarter (Q1) of 2019, placing it in the top 10 countries in Asia Pacific, according to independent global property consultancy Knight Frank’s 2019 edition of its flagship report, Active Capital. Knight Frank Malaysia executive director of capital markets […]

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