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Cambodia: Visa-dispensing services grind to a halt

Local tourism and visa-dispensing businesses are dealing with the domino effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the months of April and May are usually the time when the summer travel season begins – a peak earning time for the hospitality and tourism industry – “stay at home” orders issued by governments around the world to […]

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Thailand: Commerce Ministry ready to haggle

The Commerce Ministry is scheduled to meet manufacturers, modern trade operators and department stores on Thursday to ask for cooperation on lowering prices of essential goods for consumers, with a focus on food and daily use products to reduce the cost of living for people hurt by the pandemic. Local diesel prices, which is a […]

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IMF revises growth rate for Asean’s top economies downwards to -1.3 per cent due to coronavirus disruption

WASHINGTON – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Wednesday (April 15) revised down the growth rate in 2020 of the Asean-5 countries – Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand – to minus 1.3 per cent. “Large Asean countries have introduced public health measures including lockdowns, and there are negative economic impacts from reduced tourism, disrupted […]

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