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Revenue soars, but casinos in Vietnam still taking a loss

Casinos are considered a ‘sensitive business’ in Vietnam. Though regulations have been loosened, they are still very strict. The Ministry of Finance (MOF) has released a report on the amendment of some provisions of Decree 03 on casino business management. Before the decree took effect, eight casinos had been licensed, including seven operating ones. After […]

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Brunei records 1st monthly trade deficit in history

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) — Brunei recorded a 57.8-million-Brunei dollar (42.2-million-U.S. dollar) trade deficit in June 2020 due to a major decrease in exports, marking the first-ever trade deficit since January 2014 when historical data became available. The latest International Merchandise Trade Statistics released on Saturday by the Department of Economic Planning and […]

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Philippines faces FATF sanctions

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines is in danger of being included anew in the gray list of Paris-based dirty money watchdog Financial Action Task Force (FATF) if the country fails to pass the necessary amendments to the anti-money laundering law, according to the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC). AMLC Secretariat executive director Mel Georgie Racela said […]

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Malaysia: Improving trend to continue

The Asean-5 economies are in a technical recession based on their second quarter gross domestic product (GDP) figures and this is induced by the Covid-19 pandemic. Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand implemented lockdowns and this had disrupted economic activities in almost all areas be it domestic or export-oriented. Sectors worst hit include travel, […]

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