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Thailand: B30,000 tax break gets nod

The Centre for Economic Situation Administration (Cesa) on Wednesday approved a proposal to offer taxpayers income tax deductions of up to 30,000 baht for purchasing products and services with a 7% value-added tax (VAT), in another bid to boost domestic consumption. Effective from Oct 23 until Dec 31, the tax deduction offer will apply to […]

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ADB urges SEA economies: Tap green financing for recovery

MANILA, Philippines — The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is urging policy makers in Southeast Asia to tap into green financing to raise funds for projects that will help economies recover. A new report by the Manila-based multilateral agency, “Green Finance Strategies for Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery in Southeast Asia,” said innovative financing can help catalyze the […]

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Singapore’s resident unemployment rate up in August

SINGAPORE: The resident unemployment rate rose by 0.4 percentage points in the month of August to 4.5%, said a Ministry of Manpower (MOM) report yesterday. This was slightly higher than the increase of 0.3 percentage points in July, when the resident unemployment rate was 4.1%. While monthly unemployment rates have so far generally remained lower […]

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Vietnam seeks investments from Japan, S.Korea into supporting industries

The Hanoitimes – Vietnam will actively and selectively attract foreign investments, taking high-quality, efficiency, modern technology and environmental protection as the key benchmarks. Vietnam is looking to attract investors from Japan and South Korea into the country’s supporting industries as the localization rate of the sector is quite low compared to some countries in the region, […]

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