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Philippines: Remittances shrink by 2.6% in 8 months

MANILA, Philippines — Remittances from overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) contracted by 2.6 percent to $21.41 billion from January to August compared to last year’s $21.99 billion amid the massive displacement caused by the impact of the pandemic on the global economy, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) reported yesterday. For August alone, personal remittances including […]

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Stable outlook expected for Vietnamese dong

While Vietnam is at risk of being listed as currency manipulator by the US, such a risk appears low, as the US will likely continue to reduce its dependence on Chinese exports by reorganizing its supply chain with other partners. In the short-term, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)’, the country’s central bank, is expected […]

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Cambodia: More positive outlook for Kingdom’s economy

Global financial institutions have provided a more positive outlook for Cambodia’s economic outlook because the country has been far less affected by COVID-19 than others. Cambodia’s Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) claimed that the prediction is based at least in part on the government’s comprehensive anti-COVID efforts. The World Bank’s October 2020 Economic Update […]

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Indonesia: Trade data show ‘encouraging sign’ of economic recovery

Indonesia booked its highest exports in six months, driven by rising shipments of agricultural and manufactured goods in September, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced Thursday. In a sign of improving global demand, Indonesia has booked a trade surplus for five consecutive months. Exports jumped 6.97 percent month-to-month (mtm) in September to US$14.01 billion, the highest recorded […]

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