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Vietnamese firms eye investing in Myanmar

Vietnamese small-and medium-sized enterprises are keen to explore investing in Myanmar, according to the Cong Thuong (Industry & Trade) newspaper. Vietnam is among the top 10 foreign investors in Myanmar, with nearly 80 businesses pouring in investment worth US$1 billion in the host country. Major companies such as Hoang Anh Gia Lai, Bank for Investment and Development […]

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Thailand: Thais seek business opportunities

More than 30 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from Thailand came to Cambodia this week to explore business prospects and investment opportunities. A delegation of 32 SMEs, led by chairman of the Thailand-Cambodia Business Council Chanitr Charnchainarong, met with Commerce Minister Pan Sorasak and discussed potential opportunities for cooperation between the two sides.  The delegation […]

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Cambodia: Slowdown in port container traffic

The Kingdom’s two main ports reported markedly slower growth in container traffic last year due to a fall in import traffic, although exports of garments and agricultural products continued to rise, according to newly released port data. Total container throughput at Cambodia’s sole deep-sea port, Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (SAP), amounted to 400,187 20-foot-equivalent units, or […]

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Thailand: Unhappy Thais may cut out

Thai employees would rather move to a new company than stick it out with their current employers if they are unhappy at work, a new survey reveals. JobsDB’s 2016 Happiness Index Report of employees revealed that among people surveyed in seven Asian territories, Thais have the third-highest job happiness rating. Thais put a high premium […]

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