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KKR bets S-E Asia will be a trade war winner

SINGAPORE: KKR & Co is seeking to invest more in South-East Asia, where companies are poised to benefit from the US-China trade dispute, according to the private equity firm’s co-founder Henry Kravis. “The longer that the dispute with China and the US goes on, I think you are going to see more opportunities” for investment […]

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New policies needed to optimize FDI sources in Vietnam

The Hanoitimes – Vietnam’s FDI incentive regime next time should focus on investors whose products and investment are needed by the country in the future, thus contributing to maximizing the capital inflow’s influence and added value, experts said. According to experts, investment incentives are among the vital tools to make the country more attractive to foreign […]

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Thailand: Revenue defends VAT refund contract award

The Revenue Department has insisted selecting Counter Service Co, a payment service provider wholly owned by CP All Plc, to provide value-added tax (VAT) refunds for foreign tourists outside airports was done in a transparent manner.  Three companies sought licences to run the VAT refund service outside airports, but two of them failed to meet the […]

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Philippines: Inflation seen to cross 7% in fourth quarter of 2018

MANILA, Philippines — ANZ Research expects inflation to hit seven percent this quarter as the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) believes the supply shocks from Typhoon Ompong are likely to persist over the next few months. “We expect headline inflation to cross seven percent this fourth quarter,” ANZ Research economist for ASEAN and India Shashank Mendirata said. Mendirata said price pressures […]

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