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Grab to launch beta trial of GrabExpress in Singapore

GRAB will launch in Singapore on Tuesday a beta trial of GrabExpress, its on-demand door-to-door delivery and courier service, to serve the growing demand for instant delivery of parcels. The beta service of GrabExpress will first be piloted among selected Grab users, and is limited to delivery from the eastern part of Singapore to the eastern fringe […]

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Thailand: Tourism operators press for policy salve

Tourism business leaders have called for the government to use measures and campaigns to boost tourism from other markets if there is no concrete plan to reclaim arrivals from China.  Despite several discussions with tourism authorities over the drop in the Chinese market in recent weeks, operators have not yet found a solution.  A proposal was […]

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Vietnam tourism makes a breakthrough from Industry 4.0

The Hanoitimes – In the survey conducted by Q & Me, a Vietnam`s market research service, in 2017, 88% of Vietnamese searched online travel information, of which 35% used the Internet for tourist information. Using 4.0 technology is an opportunity for Vietnam to make breakthroughs in the tourims industry, the information was announced by Deputy Director […]

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