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Indonesia welcomes 1.35m foreign tourists in September

Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced on Thursday that it had recorded 1.25 million foreign tourist arrivals in September, 10.56 percent lower than the previous month. “Learning from the year by year data on tourist arrivals, we see that the decline of tourist arrivals in September is normal because the holiday season is over [in September]. European […]

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Cambodia: Petrol to sell at $1 a litre

The government yesterday advised gas station owners to set petrol and diesel pump prices at 4,000 riel ($1) per litre until November 15, which means gasoline retailers would absorb 160 riel (four cents) of the cost of crude. According to a statement by the Ministry of Commerce yesterday, Prime Minister Hun Sen told petrol stations […]

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Thailand: Minister mulls taxi fare hike proposal

Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith is demanding officials study further an 8% taxi fare hike before he approves the proposal.  He had reservations about approving the new rate, which will be applied only when taxis get stuck in bad traffic, with no change to the currently fixed starting fare of 35 baht.  The new calculation, unveiled […]

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