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Indonesia: Govt mulling Tobin tax for controlling hot money flows

The government is considering imposing the Tobin tax, which penalizes short-term currency speculation, to control the flow of hot money. Macroeconomic policy center head Adrianto of the Finance Ministry’s Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) said the objective of the tax was to prevent the outflow of hot money from the stock, bond and currency markets. The quick movement of currency speculation was to blame for […]

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Cambodian central bank embraces Industry 4.0

The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) will continue to promote the development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the kingdom’s financial sector, according to its report on Macro-Economic and Banking Sector Development in 2018 and Outlook for 2019. It said the continuing development of human resources and technology is important for maintaining the efficiency of […]

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Myanmar: Govt now processing 40 mining proposals

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) has processed a total of 40 proposals for mineral exploration at large and medium sized mining blocks in Myanmar, its permanent secretary U Min Min Oo said.  Feedback on whether any exploration activities will have an environmental or social impact is being sought from the state […]

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Vietnam: Large banks cut lending interest rate to aid businesses

HANOI — On Wednesday, four State-owned banks said they would cut interest rates on đong loans in the Government’s priority sectors to support firms in 2019, starting from Thursday. According to the banks, the cut followed up on the Government’s instruction to support domestic production and businesses. Under the plan, Agribank, VietinBank, Vietcombank and BIDV will reduce […]

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