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Vietnam moves up 13 places in 2019 Economic Freedom Index

The Hanoitimes – The country’s overall score has increased by 2.2 points, with a sharp increase in fiscal health and higher scores for investment freedom and judicial effectiveness outpacing a decline in monetary freedom. Vietnam is ranked 128th out of 180 countries and territories with score 55.3 in Heritage Foundation’s latest report on 2019 Index of […]

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Indonesia: Regulation on e-commerce to promote domestic products

The Trade Ministry is preparing a regulation on e-commerce that will promote domestic products, the ministry’s domestic trade Director General Tjahya Widayanti said. “The draft of the e-commerce regulation is being finalized,” Tjahya said in Jakarta on Wednesday as reported by Antara. Under the draft regulation, e-commerce marketplaces would be required to display local products on their platforms. Tjahya said the […]

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Singapore ranked worst place for women to work among top ‘gender-equal’ nations, with about 20% less pay and savings than men

Despite being counted among the world’s best nations for gender equality, women in Singapore are still being paid 20 per cent less than men, according to a study published on Thursday (Jan 20) by Australia-based finance site Finder. The study ranked 15 countries worldwide “commonly cited” on Google as having great gender equality – on 10 metrics, like […]

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Indonesia ranks third among most optimistic countries

Indonesia ranks third among the most optimistic countries globally, after India and the Philippines, according to the Conference Board Global Consumer Confidence Survey, which was conducted in collaboration with Nielsen. Nielsen’s press release issued on Wednesday said Indonesian consumers’ level of optimism in the fourth quarter of 2018 was stable, with a consumer confidence index (CCI) […]

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