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Philippines: Palace keeps hands off monetary policy — DOF chief

MANILA, Philippines — Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez said yesterday the government would not interfere with monetary policy following the appointment of former budget secretary Benjamin Diokno as governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). During the 9th Business Forum of the Manila Times held in Makati City yesterday, Dominguez said there is no effort on the part of […]

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Cambodia: ‘Indonesian investors ignoring Kingdom’

Direct investors from Indonesia have been ignoring Cambodia despite trade and tourism between the two countries growing annually, the Indonesian Ambassador to Cambodia Sudirman Haseng said. Indonesian news agency Antara recently reported that Ambassador Haseng said the main reason that Indonesian entrepreneurs have not been doing business in Cambodia is due to a negative perception […]

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Malaysian palm oil eases on bearish price, output outlook

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian palm oil futures eased on Wednesday evening on bearish price and production forecasts at an industry conference in Kuala Lumpur. The benchmark palm oil contract for May delivery on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange was down 0.2 percent at 2,157 ringgit ($527.77) a tonne at the end of trading. “Most of the speakers don’t seem too bullish,” said a Kuala Lumpur-based trader, referring to the industry conference. Industry data […]

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Cambodia: Transfer pricing takes the spotlight

A year and a half after the law was introduced, the General Department of Taxation yesterday called on all corporations to abide by the Transfer Pricing Law. Following the Transfer Pricing Law will facilitate the process of filing tax returns, Traing Lay, director of GDT’s advanced pricing arrangement and transfer pricing bureau, said during a […]

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China’s policies trigger investment inflow to Vietnam

The Hanoitimes – The Chinese promotion of economic development strategies, especially the Belt and Road initiative of Chinese President Xi Jinping, has propelled Chinese investment in Asian countries, including Vietnam. Besides Vietnam’s free trade agreements, Chinese policies on promoting economic growth and reducing investment in labor-intensive industries have ignited a rising inflow of Chinese capital to […]

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