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Thailand: Baht volatility seen ahead of election

The baht is about to hit some turbulence — not only volatility from the March 24 election, but also a period of seasonal weakness that is fast approaching. The baht, Asia’s best-performing currency, has weakened in the second quarter for seven of the past 10 years, partly due to foreign repatriation of Thai dividend payments […]

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Philippines books 4th straight month of BOP surplus

MANILA, Philippines — The country’s external payments position strengthened for the fourth straight month with the balance of payments (BOP) surplus hitting $467 million in February, a complete reversal of the $429 million deficit recorded in the same month last year due to strong inflows, according to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Data released by […]

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Malaysia will return as Asian tiger in three years

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia will return to its Asian tiger status in three years, says Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng. He said the 48 per cent jump in foreign direct investments to RM80.5 billion in 2018, compared with RM54.4 billion in 2017, reflected investor confidence in Malaysia’s economic health. Lim said Chinese and Japanese investments into […]

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Thailand: FTI warns wage hike hurts SMEs

The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) has strongly opposed a sharp minimum wage hike, a campaign promise of many political parties, saying small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will suffer the most from the policy as it will alter the market.  The federation proposed its white paper to five political parties yesterday, requesting support for business operators […]

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Full steam ahead for cruise tourism sector in Vietnam

VIETNAM’S sea tourism sector has reported annual growth of only two to three per cent, while other Asian countries have witnessed robust growth in cruise tourism in recent years. Last year, Saigontourist Travel Service Co provided services to about 474,000 cruise travellers, up 12 per cent compared with 2017. In the first two months of […]

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