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Thailand: Employers seeking ‘soft skills’

Online jobs portal JobThai has suggested nine different “soft skills”, such as time management and emotional intelligence, that can help workers land a job in a competitive market.  Unlike “hard skills” such as programming, soft skills pertain more to personality, social interactions and the ability to learn.  Saengduen Tangthamsatit, co-founder and chief operating officer of […]

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Cambodia: One-stop platform for business registration

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has presented a proposal for the creation of a platform that will centralise all services needed to register a company in Cambodia. The initiative is an attempt to facilitate business registration in the Kingdom, with Cambodia currently ranking 138 among 190 countries in the World Bank’s ease of doing […]

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Brunei: Drop in foreign workers

A 2017 LABOUR force study carried out by the Department of Economic Planning and Development under the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry showed that the number of foreign workers in the country had dropped from 52,161 in 2014 to 47,490 in 2017, which is a decrease of 4,671 persons, said Minister of Energy, Manpower […]

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