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VISA to help Vietnamese people access financial solutions

The Hanoitimes – VISA expects to become a credible partner for Vietnamese government in facilitating e-payment transactions in Vietnam, according to the company’s CEO. US-based payments tech company VISA wants to help Vietnamese people access financial solutions, said Alfred Kelly, CEO of VISA.  VISA is expected to hold a conference on security measures for financial transactions […]

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Thailand: Baht strengthens despite SET index dip

The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) index on Monday fell over concerns of a political gridlock following Sunday’s general election, but the baht’s value strengthened as investors offloaded their US dollar holdings.  Thailand’s benchmark index closed at 1,625.91 points, down 20.38 points or 1.24%, in turnover worth 47 billion baht.  A dip in Thailand’s stock market […]

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Concerns raised about impending slower growth in Malaysia

PETALING JAYA: While the Malaysian economy may not be as sluggish as initially feared, there is little optimism that the country will be able to do better than last year. Leading indicators, which economists say are an accurate gauge of economic performance in the months ahead, signalled a pick-up in growth towards the end of the second quarter. However, concerns […]

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