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Recession fears hit Asian region including Singapore

TALK of recession has hit the region, and near home, Maybank Kim Eng Research is flagging that possibility for Singapore in the next quarter. Export-reliant economies are hard hit by slowing growth and supply chain disruptions caused by the prolonged US-China trade and tech war. There may be a ceasefire now in the fight between […]

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Indonesia books 0.55 percent inflation in June

Indonesia booked 0.55 percent month-to-month (mtm) inflation in June, lower than 0.68 percent in May, particularly due to higher food prices over Idul Fitri, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced on Monday. June’s mtm inflation rate was lower than that in the same period last year, which stood at 0.59 percent.  BPS head Suhariyanto said June’s inflation was […]

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Foreign funds step up buying on Bursa Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR: Foreign funds upped the ante in acquiring stocks listed on Bursa, acquiring RM171.7mil of local equities last week, according to MIDF Research.  The research house said the amount was six times more than the amount bought in the week before. MIDF said the first two days of the week saw international funds selling […]

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Myanmar: Bond market to deepen with higher fiscal deficit, growth levels expected

Myanmar’s economy has picked up in the 2018-19 fiscal year, supported by an improvement in business sentiment amid renewed reform momentum, strong growth in garment manufacturing, expansion of tourism-related services and stronger fiscal spending, according to the preliminary assessment by the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) after its Annual Consultation Visit to the country from […]

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