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Thailand: Spending set to drop by 15%

The country’s media ad spending is estimated to drop 15% to 77 billion baht this year as the coronavirus outbreak causes brands to tighten their budgets amid a weak economy, says researcher Media Intelligence (MI). The pandemic is also likely to speed up digital adoption by consumers to 1.5-3 years from now, with an emphasis […]

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Policy bottleneck restricts exports of Vietnam medical masks

The Hanoitimes – At present, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has approved the export of medical face masks and protective gear, as long as domestic demand and reserves are met. Current regulations, not production capacity, are making hard for medical face mask manufacturers to export their products although masks are much sought after in other countries, […]

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Philippines: Domestic liquidity up by slower 10.9%

MANILA, Philippines — The record retail treasury bond (RTB) issuance by the national government sapped some liquidity in the financial system, resulting in a slower growth in money supply in February, according to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). Preliminary figures released by the BSP showed that domestic liquidity or M3 grew at a slower […]

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Philippines to borrow more

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine government yesterday announced its plans to sell US dollar-denominated global bonds in the international market to raise more funds for the state coffers. National Treasurer Rosalia De Leon said the announcement was made yesterday, but declined to provide more details on the issuance. Credit watcher S&P Global Ratings assigned a […]

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