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Indonesia: Pandemic presents opportunity for reform to attract investment: HSBC

The Indonesian government should use the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to accelerate economic reforms to attract more investment after the health crisis recedes, an economist with multinational investment bank and financial services holding company HSBC has said. Joseph Incalcaterra, the chief economist for ASEAN at HSBC, said on Wednesday that the current uncertainty of […]

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Philippines making progress in fight vs dirty money

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines is making progress in addressing technical compliance deficiencies in its program against money laundering and terrorist financing, ahead of the deadline set by Paris-based global watchdog Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Based on the first follow-up report on the mutual evaluation of the Philippines obtained by The STAR, the Asia […]

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Vietnam GDP growth to reach 8.1% in 2021: Goldman Sachs

The Hanoitimes – Goldman Sachs expected exports to be Vietnam’s major driving force for economic recovery. In 2020, Vietnam’s GDP growth is set to slow to 2.7% and rebound to 8.1% next year, according to the US-based investment bank Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs’ 2.7%-GDP growth forecast for Vietnam in its first ever macro-economic report on the […]

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Bank of Thailand issues digital loan rules

The Bank of Thailand has issued digital personal loan regulations, paving a path for consumers with no financial statements to better access financial services. The central bank issued a circular to business operators that want to apply for digital loan business licences to incorporate alternative data for digital personal loan analysis apart from the existing […]

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