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ASEAN ministers sign agreement on e-commerce

ASEAN member countries agreed on Monday to a cooperation framework to support the development of the digital economy through e-commerce schemes. The agreement on e-commerce was signed by ASEAN trade ministers, including Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita. The signing took place amid the 33rd ASEAN Summit and other related summits that will take place in Singapore […]

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Thailand: Nov 11 sales see huge success

While Alibaba Group announced gross merchandise volume of 213.5 billion yuan (1.07 trillion baht) generated on Nov 11 worldwide this year, an increase of 27% from 2017, Lazada, its e-commerce subsidiary in Southeast Asia, recorded more than 20 million shoppers for the 11.11 sale.  LinkedIn Lazada Group reported the festival had over 20 million shoppers browsing, […]

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Commerce officials promoting Chinese investment in Asean

The Commerce Ministry wants to promote coordination of economic development between countries of the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) and China, aiming to attract more Chinese investment and a cushion against impact from the Sino-US trade row.  Commerce Minister Sontirat Sontijirawong said Thailand proposed the cooperation to Chinese economic officials to enhance multilateral linkages and […]

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Thailand: Govt to open one-stop fishery centres

The Labour Ministry will open special one-stop registration centres for fishery workers from neighbouring countries between Dec 3 and Jan 31.  The centres will also enable migrant workers who had previously registered but failed to renew their permits to re-register to legitimately work in the country, said Labour Minister Adul Sangsingkeo.  “Migrant workers who register […]

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Vietnam’s Sabeco removes cap on foreign ownership

The Hanoitimes – The move would open up the company to further investments from foreign investors. Vietnam’s largest brewer Saigon Beer Alcohol Beverage Corp. (Sabeco) on November 12 announced that it has removed the limit on foreign ownership.  On October 30, Sabeco’s board of directors adopted a resolution approving the unrestricted foreign ownership percentage in the […]

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