
Indonesia: 4 Items Included in Mother’s Online Shopping List

TEMPO.COJakarta – Online shopping can be considered to be one of many favorite activities for `digital moms`, especially those who already have children. According to a research conducted by The Asian Parent, 73 percent of mothers in Indonesia chose Shopee as their favorite e-commerceplatform.

“We are aware that every mother faces the challenge to manage their time between managing the family, working, and their own ‘me time’.” Said Rezki Yanuar, Brand Manager Shopee Indonesia.

Here are the four most favorite products often bought by mothers when they visit Shopee.

1. Baby diapers

Disposable baby diapers seem to be a must for mothers. They have several considerations in choosing diaper product, such as it must fit the baby, not cause a reaction for sensitive skin and other considerations.

2. Toys

Certain toys can be used to stimulate the child’s brain development. This is why it’s very important for mothers to choose the right toy since it is related to the child’s future development.

3. Clothes

The reason mothers often look for clothes is mainly that the first year of a child’s growing phase comes rapidly and astonishingly. Babies can grow 25 centimeters and weigh three-times from when they were born.

4. Shoes

Looking for the right shoe for a newborn is really important. The upper part of the shoe must be made from soft materials and its sole must not be slippery, and it must also be flexible to help stimulate the baby’s feet flexibility. 

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/news/2018/02/20/056915896/4-Items-Included-in-Mothers-Online-Shopping-List