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Vietnam: HCM City seeks cheaper logistics

HCM CITY — Logistics fees in Vietnam account for nearly 21 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with transport making up 60 percent of the figure, twice as much as some developed economies. The proportion of logistics fees to GDP in Japan is 11 percent, while it is 10 percent in the EU, according […]

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Vietnam: Foreign trade results to exceed forecasts

(VEN) – At a recent meeting of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), Phan Van Chinh, Director of the Foreign TradeAgency, said the 2018 import and export value is expected to exceed forecasts and the targets set by the National Assembly. Satisfactory results Phan Van Chinh said that in the first 11 months of 2018, Vietnam exported more […]

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Digital banking essential for Vietnam’s financial sector

HANOI — Embracing the digital transformation is critical for Vietnamese bankers in the era of Industry 4.0, experts said during the 2019 Asian Banker Conference in Hanoi on Thursday. The event, themed ‘Future of Finance Vietnam’, was organised by Singapore-based The Asian Banker, a provider of strategic business intelligence to the region’s financial services community. The event brought financial […]

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Vietnam: 2018 a banner year for local equity market

HANOI  – The net value of foreign capital flowing into Vietnam’s equity market in 2018 hit US$2.8 billion, according to State Securities Commission vice chairman Pham Hong Son. That figure was almost 2.3 times the figure of $1.23 billion in 2017 and set up a new record high of net foreign purchases since 2008, Son said at a meeting on […]

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Vietnam: Trade ministry to inspect big firms

HANOI — The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) will conduct annual inspections on a number of State and private businesses in different sectors, including those involved in petroleum, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and multi-level marketing. Minister Tran Tuan Anh signed the inspection plan for 2019. The ministry’s inspectors and related departments will inspect 245 business and […]

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Vietnam: Large banks cut lending interest rate to aid businesses

HANOI — On Wednesday, four State-owned banks said they would cut interest rates on đong loans in the Government’s priority sectors to support firms in 2019, starting from Thursday. According to the banks, the cut followed up on the Government’s instruction to support domestic production and businesses. Under the plan, Agribank, VietinBank, Vietcombank and BIDV will reduce […]

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