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Why pain in Argentina And Turkey is hurting Indonesia

As financial market meltdowns in Argentina and Turkey spread through global emerging markets, Indonesia is feeling the pain more than its peers in Asia. The rupiah slumped to its weakest level against the dollar since the 1998 Asian financial crisis, prompting the central bank to step up its efforts to stabilize the currency. Bank Indonesia has been […]

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Indonesia: Tax office to spy on taxpayers’ social media activity

The Taxation Directorate General will spy on people’s activities through social media in trying to boost tax revenue, an official has said. “Social media covers wide range of activities […] We still need to prepare the infrastructure to support the plan,” Taxation Directorate General communication and information technology transformation director Iwan Djuniardi said in Jakarta […]

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Indonesia: Govt Careful Upon Limiting 900 Imported Commodities

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Indonesian Government is set to limit imported items that are profusely filling the domestic market under a fiscal policy mechanism. This strategy is hoped to help improve the country’s trade balance and reduce the pressure from the predictably widened current account balance. “We have identified the items in question and we are reviewing at least […]

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Indonesia: Govt drafts plastic bag tax regulation for 2019

The government is drafting a regulation to tax plastic bags next year in its effort to reduce plastic waste. “So the excise is for plastic bags, not for plastic bottles,” Finance Ministry customs and excise director general Heru Pambudi said on Thursday at his office in Tangerang, Banten, as quoted by He said the regulation, the draft for which was being […]

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