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The untold success story of Asean trade policy

Asean finance ministers recently concluded their 22nd meeting in Singapore, as the 10-country bloc embarks on the second half of its journey toward its centennial. Having come this far to be the longest serving grouping in the developing world, it is timely to ask, how has it fared economically?  Assessments of Asean as a regional integration […]

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Inequality a growing challenge for rising Asean

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) had a lot to celebrate when it marked its 50th anniversary last year. The region has undergone a significant transformation from a bloc of underdeveloped countries to become one of the world’s most dynamic economic drivers.  Poverty has been reduced significantly and the quality of life has improved for […]

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Payment interoperability: The next step towards a digital Asean

GETTING PAYMENT platforms to “understand” each other, or to be “interoperable,” presents a huge opportunity to enhance intra-regional trade and business activity across Southeast Asia, and Thailand in particular. It is vital to a digital economy and Asean’s ‘Smart Cities’ aspiration which is essentially using technology and innovation to make cities more economically competitive and […]

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