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US-China trade war dims Asia’s 2019 growth outlook: ADB

MANILA (REUTERS) – Developing Asia could grow more slowly than previously thought next year as the US-China trade war inflicts collateral damage on the region’s export-reliant economies, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said on Wednesday (Sept 26). Tightening global liquidity could also weigh on business activity by pushing up borrowing costs, while capital outflows are also a […]

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EU palm oil ban bitter for SE Asian farmers

INDONESIAN palm oil farmer Kawal Surbakti says his livelihood is under attack, but the threat is not from insects or hungry orangutans eating his prized crop. Half a world away, the European Parliament is moving to ban the use of palm oil in biofuels, while British grocer Iceland has announced it will stop using the […]

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Bombardier eyes Asean infrastructure

BOMBARDIER, the Canada-based manufacturer of planes and trains, expects strong growth in its business in Asean countries due to expanding investment in infrastructure projects in the region. The rising gross domestic product and increasing urbanisation are changing the lifestyles of people, said Laurent Troger, president of Bombardier Transportation. He was speaking last week at InnoTrans […]

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DHL brings e-commerce COD to Malaysia, Thailand, & Vietnam

E-commerce exporters in China and Australia, consumers in Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, and DHL eCommerce are all expecting benefits from the introduction of a Cross Border Cash-on-Delivery (COD) system by Deutsche Post DHL Group. Announced Monday September 17, the DHL e-Commerce Cash on Delivery (COD) service will allow consumers in the three Asean countries to pay in cash when they receive […]

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ASEAN trade deal lurks in shadows

Two free trade agreements are garnering most of the headlines, but there is another, lesser known potential agreement that has piqued the interest of some Canadian farm groups. Canada is in the midst of contentious negotiations on a revised North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and has yet to ratify the Comprehensive and Progressive agreement […]

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