Cambodia: New logistics law to attract more investment
Cambodia will set temperature levels for different products like food items, medicines, chemical substances and electronic devices to maintain the quality of the products and prevent damages during their transportation.
For the sake of the economy and general health, Cambodia will promote safe food via cold chain logistics and use ASEAN-Japan guidelines for reference.
“The ASEAN-Japan Expert Group Meeting on Logistics (AJEGML) ended with four major outputs. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Trade and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan updated ASEAN-Japan Transport Partnership action and logistics training plans, the ASEAN secretariats announced the circular economy in logistics and all ASEAN updated cold chain logistics,” said Chhieng Pich, Director General of Logistics.
The ASEAN-Japan guidelines on cold chain logistics classify lower temperature (frozen, chilled and constant temperature) and normal temperature.
According to the guidelines, frozen is -40C for Tuna fish and -40C to -18C for seafood, meat, frozen food, ice cream; chilled is -18C to +10C for dairy products, pasta, vegetable and fresh seafood; constant temperature is +5C to +18C for mayonnaise, chocolate confectionaries, beverages, rice, and other grains; and normal temperature is for seasoning, according to a press release.
Cambodia will develop the most suitable guidelines and settings based on the temperature and conditions of the country. It will promote the development of logistics infrastructure that requires new policies and the quality of logistic service providers will also be updated.
“The MPWT is preparing a Law on Logistics Management and Development in Cambodia. It will drive the development of logistics in Cambodia by gaining more trust from investors to do business. The logistics development will contribute to national economic growth,” Pich said.
Along with other ASEAN Member States (AMS), Cambodia sets out to implement the Guidelines on Cold Chain Logistics. “ASEAN-Japan Experts Group Meeting on Logistics (AJEGML) was convinced online to review progress on logistics-related activities among AMS. AJEGML has discussed four main points on progress updates on the action plans under the ASEAN-Japan Transport Partnership, each AMS provided an update on the implementation of the Guidelines on Cold Chain Logistics, progress update on capacity building plans and dissemination on the Circular Economy in which transport and logistics play a role in it.
Cambodia hasn’t implemented the Guidelines on Cold Chain Logistics yet as the Guideline has not been mandated by law.