Cambodia: Market demands for salt flower attract producers
Cambodian farmers have begun to collect salt flowers and now becoming a new product gaining popularity in the market both domestically and internationally with a considerable price.
Mr. Bun Narin, Director of Thaung Enterprise, a Cambodian salt producer said that the salt flower is not something new among salt farmers in Cambodia but gained its economic value following its introduction to the market in the past four or five years.
Mr. Bun Baraing, President of Kep-Kampot salt production community also echoed the fact about salt flower which takes more time to extract product.
Cambodian salt farmers are still using traditional methods to collect salt these days such as depending on the sun light to evaporate the sea water for salt.
The process will also result in thin pieces of salt floating on the upper surface of the farm, these are called salt flower and it can only be collected manually when the farm has dried, the weather hot but not windy.
Studies shows that salt flower contains less sodium and is less salty gaining popularity when more people start paying more attention to their health by reducing the level of saltiness of their diet.
The market price of salt flower is between $10 to $15 per kilogramme which is a considerable price compared with the ordinary salt. AKP