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Thailand: EconThai worried about rising underemployment

The Employers’ Confederation of Thai Trade and Industry (EconThai) is concerned about the growing underemployment rate that is affecting people’s purchasing power after the number of unemployed individuals reached 4.3 million since the Covid-19 outbreak began in Thailand. Underemployment refers to workers who work between 0-20 hours. They are not unemployed, according to the Labour […]

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Vietnam: E-commerce changing domestic retail property market

The shift toward e-commerce due to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges to Vietnam’s retail property market, according to Savills Vietnam. “COVID-19 has posed serious challenges within the real estate market, in particular for retailers. The market has witnessed many businesses having to foreclose or reduce operations to remain afloat,” Tu Thi Hong An, director, […]

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Vietnam: CPI inches up 0.16 percent in May

Vietnam’s consumer price index (CPI) in May was up 0.16 percent agaisnt April and 2.9 percent from last year, reported the General Statistics Office (GSO) on May 29. Compared to April, increases were seen in the prices of eight out of 11 main groups of goods and services, with transport taking the lead (0.76 percent) […]

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Malaysia: Challenges to achieving 6% growth forecast

FROM targeted to total lockdowns, as we still see spiking Covid-19 infections, there are concerns whether Malaysia can achieve its forecast growth of 6% to 7% for 2021. Even if the overall economy and those already faring well recover, many businesses, individuals and households may be left further behind in an already unequal economy. The […]

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