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Cambodia: TV ads still effective and lucrative in the Kingdom

Despite the cord-cutting and digital-first phenomenon sweeping the globe, television advertisements in the Cambodian market remain a lucrative option for firms promoting a mass-market product. That’s according to Nancy Jaffe, former director for Nielsen Ratings’ Southeast Asia Cross-Platform Audience Measurement division in Singapore. “Digital advertisements are useful when targeting young, affluent urban professionals but television […]

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Malaysia: Digital push

PETALING JAYA: Go big in digital or risk being left behind. The government took full cognisance of this, which saw it roll out the Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint or MyDigital recently. It dove deep into the national digitalisation journey since 1996 when the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) was initiated and picked up on several weaknesses […]

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Philippines: Government launches online one-stop shop for business registration

MANILA, Philippines — The government has launched the first phase of the Central Business Portal (CBP), a one-stop shop online system for business registration, according the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). The CBP is a single website for obtaining business-related information and carrying out transactions such as registering a corporation, and securing business permits and […]

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Vietnam tax revenue down 1.4% in two-month period

The Hanoitimes – The fact that nearly 19,800 enterprises temporarily suspended operation in the first two months of 2021, up 60.5% year-on-year, has also contributed to a decline in tax revenue. Vietnam’s tax revenue in the first two months of 2021 is estimated at VND246.4 trillion (US$10.7 billion), representing a decline of 1.4% year-on-year. Upon breaking […]

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Thai AirAsia nudges authorities to open up

Thailand may lose its reputation as a regional aviation hub if the government cannot speed up reopening the country to tourism and strengthen the competitiveness of airlines, according to Thai AirAsia (TAA). “After facing the pandemic for a year, the key factors that can strengthen Thai tourism are reopening borders and financial aid such as […]

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