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Stable outlook expected for Vietnamese dong

The Hanoitimes – While Vietnam is at risk of being listed as currency manipulator by the US, such a risk appears low, as the US will likely continue to reduce its dependence on Chinese exports by reorganizing its supply chain with other partners. In the short-term, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)’, the country’s central bank, […]

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New Indonesian law boosting laggard currency

JAKARTA: The Indonesian rupiah has languished at the bottom of Asian currency rankings for most of the year but a recent overhaul of the nation’s investment law may help revive its fortunes. The rupiah rose about 1% against the dollar last week after Indonesia approved its first omnibus law aimed at cutting red tape to […]

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Cambodia, China sign trade deal

China and Cambodia yesterday signed a free trade agreement (FTA) in Phnom Penh, with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and visiting Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attending the signing ceremony. Mr Hun Sen spoke highly of the FTA, saying that it is of great significance economically and politically. He also expressed his […]

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