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Philippines: Exports to grow 2 to 4% this year

MANILA, Philippines — Total exports of the country would likely grow by two to four percent this year, with the increase to be driven mostly by the services sector, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said over the weekend. For next year, the DTI expects total exports to rise by four to six percent […]

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Thailand: FTI, BoT support SMEs’ overseas ambitions

The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) and the Bank of Thailand have agreed to launch new measures for Thai small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to encourage them to expand overseas. The two parties will select 50 competitive companies from five industrial sectors: auto parts, rubber, food and processed food, home appliances and electronics, and furniture. […]

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Thailand: Minimum wage to rise next month

The national wage committee agreed on Friday to increase the minimum daily wage by 5-6 baht, from 308-330 baht to 313-336 baht, and will propose the rise to cabinet for effect from Jan 1. Unskilled workers in most provinces will be entitled to 315-320 baht a day. Suthi Sukosol, permanent secretary for labour, said the […]

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Myanmar wants mobile user biometrics

People in Myanmar will be required to give their biometric data, including thumbprints, when buying mobile phone services under a controversial government plan to store private information on a central database. A tender document issued last month and seen by The Myanmar Times invites bids for a “national database to store and manage biometric mobile subscriber registration […]

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Bangkok 20th on expat city list

Bangkok ranks 20th on a list of expat-friendly cities in a survey conducted by InterNations, the world’s largest expat community with more than 3.5 million members. The city gets high marks for affordability but its ranking was dragged down by poor scores for environmental quality and political stability. Twelve Asian cities are featured in the Expat […]

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