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Indonesia surprises with a trade surplus in May

[JAKARTA] Indonesia’s foreign trade surprisingly swung back to a surplus in May, against market expectations of an US$1.38 billion deficit, as imports dropped near the end of the Muslim fasting month, government data showed on Monday. South-east Asia’s largest economy posted a US$207.6 million surplus in May, the statistics bureau said. This followed a trade […]

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Vietnam becomes more selective in FDI attraction: PM

The Hanoitimes – The government continues to create favorable conditions for foreign companies to do business in Vietnam, especially in priority fields, reported the governmental portal. Vietnam would not accept foreign direct investment (FDI) at all costs, but focuses on projects that apply modern and environmentally-friendly technologies, and are energy efficient, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc […]

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Brunei rises as preferred travel destination

VARIOUS statistics and studies pertaining to Brunei Darussalam were released in May, covering areas including population, economic growth, trade and tourism. For the tourism sector in Brunei, a milestone was achieved in 2018 with the highest number of tourist arrivals ever recorded, as international tourist arrivals grew by 7.4 per cent year-on-year (y-o-y) from 258,955 […]

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Thailand: Taxi drivers to protest over Grab legalisation

Bangkok taxi drivers will on Monday swarm the Department of Land Transport (DLT) and the Bhumjaithai Party’s headquarters, to protest against legalising ride-hailing services. The rally comes amid reports that the DLT is pushing forward with plans to make services such as Grab, which involves private cars and motorcycles, legal. Saksayam Chidchob, secretary-general of the […]

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