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Cambodia: ‘We need to fix Sihanoukville’ Q&A with Transparency International

The massive investment coming from China into Sihanoukville has positive and negative effects on the province. In order to understand the pros and cons, Transparency International executive director Preap Kol sat with Khmer Times Business Insight to dissect the situation in the province. KT: What is your opinion on the different issues regarding the development of Sihanoukville? […]

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Mitsubishi targets full-scale production in Vietnam

The Hanoitimes – Mitsubishi considers Vietnam a very important market in Southeast Asia. Japan’s Mitsubishi Motors planned to expand beyond vehicle assembly in Vietnam and move to full-scale local production, including procuring parts from within the country, Nikkei Asian Review reported.  The move came as the Japanese automaker commits to enhance its already considerable presence in Southeast Asia.  […]

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Philippines: Tobacco farmers oppose tax hike

MANILA, Philippines — A group of local tobacco farmers has appealed to the government to reconsider the proposal to increase anew excise taxes on tobacco products. In a letter to the Department of Finance (DOF), Senate, and House of Representatives, the PhilTobacco Growers Association Inc. (PTGA) expressed its opposition against the proposed excise tax hike […]

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Indonesia scores low in video experience

Indonesians experience some of the poorest quality online video compared with other Southeast Asian countries, a recent study has shown. The study, conducted by OpenSignal, a United States-based company that specializes in mapping wireless coverage, found that Indonesia scored a total 45 out of the maximum 100 in its indicators, thus putting the country in sixth place out of […]

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Cambodia: Kingdom oil development contract awarded to Keppel

Singapore-based KrisEnergy, which operates Cambodia’s offshore Block A, has awarded a $21.7 million contract to Keppel Shipyard Ltd for the Kingdom’s oil development, its press release issued on Friday said. KrisEnergy announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, SJ Production Barge Ltd, has contracted Keppel Shipyard Ltd for the modification and upgrading of its production barge for […]

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