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Can Indonesia be a powerhouse in the digital economy?

Can Indonesia follow in the footsteps of China to become a force to reckon with in the digital economy? If it plays its cards right, it appears so. According to a report by UOB analysts, these are some factors that Indonesia has going for it: Strong startup scene: Indonesia’s four domestic-based unicorns Go-Jek, Traveloka, Tokopedia, […]

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Thailand: Change in focus offsets impact from trade war

THE TRADE war between the US and China is expected to have only a slight impact on Thailand, according to Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) vice chairman Montri Mahaplerkpong. Despite the trade retaliation between US and China during the last four months, Thailand’s exports have continued to grow every month. Montri attributed that to the […]

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Vietnam c.bank sells US$2 billion to stabilize market

The Hanoitimes – The SBV`s current reserve fund of nearly US$64 billion is expected to ease pressure on foreign currency supply in the market, according to a commercial bank`s representative.. Over the last week, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has sold nearly US$2 billion to commercial banks in order to increase supply in the foreign […]

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