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Indonesia wants to tap Philippine firms for infra projects

JAKARTA, Indonesia – The Indonesian government is encouraging Philippine firms to invest in infrastructure projects in this vast Southeast Asian state. Indonesian Minister for National Development Planning Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro told reporters in a chance interview the government wants to tap the expertise of foreign companies, including those from the Philippines, for infrastructure. He […]

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Vietnam: Policies to attract investment in start-ups

The Hanoitimes – A clear legal system and encouraging polices are crucial factors to lure investment to creative start-ups, experts have said. Guidelines on the establishment, management and funding and investment mechanisms for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), including creative firms, are prescribed in Article 18 of the SMEs assistance law. However, bar Article 18, Vietnam’s […]

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APEC: Creating new motivation for future development

The Hanoitimes – On November 10, 20 recommendations, including 4 priorities of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) will be submitted to APEC economic leaders at the discussion between APEC economic leaders and ABAC. The long awaited session of APEC economic leaders in the APEC economic leaders’ week will be convened on November 11. Issues put […]

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VP Kalla: Indonesia’s Islamic Economy behind Malaysia, England

TEMPO.CO, Surabaya – Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that the growth of Islamic economy in Indonesia is still several steps behind compared to Malaysia. “Malaysia’s Islamic economy has gone through a 22 percent growth, meanwhile, Indonesia’s is still at 5 percent,” said Jusuf Kalla during the 2017 Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) in Surabaya, on Thursday, November 9. The Vice President stated […]

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Myanmar: Higher fuel import taxes to be tabled

The Myanmar Fuel Oil Importers and Distributers Association will submit the parliamentary proposal urging the government to raise the Special Commodities Tax on fuel imports, U Win Myint, secretary of the association, told The Myanmar Times.  The move comes after a spike in local fuel consumption and imports.  For the first six months of the current fiscal […]

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