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Thailand: Interest-free SME loans from KBank

Kasikornbank (KBank) has launched a 1-billion-baht loan scheme, offering interest-free borrowing for the first year to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with up to 200 employees as a way to keep 41,000 workers on payroll during the pandemic. The bank will also provide a monthly grant of 8,000 baht for three months to SME employees […]

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Thailand: Regulator eyes creation of local OTT platforms

The development of over-the-top (OTT) platforms by Thais is needed to ensure the benefits will not fall solely into the hands of big foreign players, says the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC). The agency supports the establishment of a working committee to cope with OTT businesses, including crafting proper measures to govern them. Takorn […]

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Thailand: Processed food awaits snapback

Thai processed food exports are expected to recover in the third and fourth quarters this year after falling 13.3% in the first quarter. According to Visit Limlurcha, president of the Thai Food Processors Association, Thailand’s processed food exports fetched 120 billion baht in the first quarter, down from 138 billion baht in the same quarter […]

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