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Thailand: Atta seeks vaccinated arrivals

Offering an estimate of 80% of inbound travel companies closing, the Association of Thai Travel Agents (Atta) encourages the government to allow vaccinated visitors to visit the country without quarantine in the third quarter to boost demand. Around 30% of 10,000 registered inbound tourism companies have shuttered permanently, while half have stopped their operations temporarily […]

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Thailand: Provident fund contribution delay continues

The Finance Ministry has allowed employers and employees to extend halting or delaying provident fund contributions for another six months amid the recent Covid-19 outbreak in Thailand. On April 29, 2020, former Finance Minister Uttama Savanayana announced the type of businesses, duration and conditions for employees or employers to halt or delay provident fund contributions […]

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BCP adds coffee shops in Laos, Cambodia

Bangchak Corporation (BCP), a mostly state-owned energy firm, is planning to increase its Inthanin coffee houses overseas to grow its non-oil business after the pandemic calms down. BCP chief marketing officer and senior executive vice-president Somchai Tejavanija said the company will start with 3-5 new cafes in Laos. Inthanin Coffee claims to be environmentally friendly, […]

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Thailand: Sharp rise in online trading on stock market

Online accounts trading on the Thai stock market nearly doubled last year in line with global trends, due to lower commissions and greater convenience as well as overall increased trading volume following the pandemic. According to data from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), there were 11.4 million accounts trading online in 2020, or 34.4% […]

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