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Thailand: Confidence from January remains bullish

The Investor Confidence Index (ICI) survey for January, which measures February to April 2021, remains in the bullish zone for the second consecutive month, spurred by the prospect of Covid-19 vaccines, foreign inflows and higher earnings among listed companies. The index rose by 1.5% to 132.55 from December’s 130.63, according to the monthly survey by […]

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Thailand: Debt key threat to bond markets

Global bond markets may plunge into a financial crisis if private bad debt and public debt mount, while global stock markets could fall sharply if the Federal Reserve (Fed) pulls back on its quantitative easing (QE) after the central bank signalled a tapering in its latest statement. Investing in Thai real estate investment trust (REITs) […]

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Thailand: FTI retains hope for GDP potential

The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) believes Thailand still has a chance to see 2.5-2.6% economic growth this year if the ongoing outbreak ends within March. The country may see lower figures if the government, which began relaxing measures against the the outbreak on Monday, fails to contain the spread, which is causing several hundreds […]

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