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Philippines: OFW remittances continue to climb in January

MANILA, Philippines — Dollars sent home by expatriate Filipinos continued to rise for 12 straight months, growing by 2.5 percent in January, amid the redeployment of more overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) as host countries reopen their borders from strict COVID lockdown measures, according  to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). Personal remittances from Filipinos abroad […]

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Thailand: Tax waiver set to boost startup funding

The government’s recent approval of a capital gains tax waiver for startup investors is expected to drive funding for local startups up to 320 billion baht over four years and create more than 400,000 jobs, says the Digital Council of Thailand (DCT). The cabinet last week approved a royal decree aimed at waiving capital gains […]

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Vietnam: Unexpected opportunities from the pandemic

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), tourists now love to go to unspoiled lands, isolated places such as quiet countryside, high mountains, and islands or beaches not yet exploited for tourism. Located amid a rice fields and beds of vegetables, a restaurant in Thoi Thuan Ward, Thot Not District, in Can Tho City has […]

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