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Indonesia growth up in 2016 but Q4 figures disappoint

[JAKARTA] Indonesia’s efforts to reboot its economy were dealt a blow Monday as official data showed growth ticking up in 2016 but undershooting expectations for the final quarter. President Joko Widodo came to power in 2014 on a pledge to boost economic expansion to seven percent but his government has struggled to lift growth rates […]

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Vietnam: TPP collapse will affect VN, but not severely

The potential collapse of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact may not impact Vietnam’s sovereign credit quality as much as was projected earlier, Moody’s said. Though the dissolution of the pact is a “material” loss to export-driven economies such as Vietnam, investments made in anticipation of the TPP are unlikely to be reversed and will […]

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Cambodia: ANZ to offer online tax payment system

ANZ Royal customers will be able to make tax payments in local currency and in US dollars at all bank branches and online starting in April following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Economy and Finance Ministry on Friday.  The MoU made ANZ Royal the sixth bank the government has allowed […]

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