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Market economy to drive Vietnam’s growth

The Hanoitimes – Next year is expected to bring a flurry of stock listings by Vietnam`s state-owned enterprises — a development symbolized the country`s shift from a government-led economy to one powered by market principles. The “new driving force of Vietnam is the acknowledgment that the state will not mobilize or distribute or regulate resources, but […]

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Vietnam to integrate in digital economy extensively

The Hanoitimes – On November 22, the event Internet Day 2017, the 20th anniversary of Internet in Vietnam and the conference “Internet – the foundation for Vietnamese enterprises integrating in digital economy” has been held by the Vietnam Internet Association (VIA). Speaking at the event, the Minister of Information & Communications Truong Minh Tuan said, 20 […]

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Brunei: September trade balance at B$204.4 million

TOTAL Trade increased by 25.1 per cent year-on-year to BND1,063.8 million; consisting exports (BND634.1 million) and imports (BND429.7 million), compared to BND850.2 million in September 2016. Trade balance decreased by 36.0 per cent year-on-year to BND204.4 million from BND319.6 million in September 2016. Exports for September 2017 increased by 8.4 per cent year-on-year from BND584.9 […]

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Thailand: BBL keen to finance EEC projects and fuel growth

The government’s flagship Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) will stimulate private investment and rev up corporate loan demand next year, says a senior official at Bangkok Bank (BBL). Corporate loan demand is improving in line with the economic recovery, driven by the government’s infrastructure investment plan, while the EEC is expected to be the key driver […]

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World Bank offers to assist APEC in disaster risk financing

MANILA, Philippines — The World Bank has offered to assist the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in crafting solutions that would ensure the region is financially resilient against disasters and calamities, the Department of Finance (DOF) said yesterday. In a report to Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez, Finance Assistant Secretary Paola Alvarez said the World Bank has […]

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