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Vietnam’s exportation sees 21% rise

The Hanoitimes – According to a General Department of Vietnam Customs report, Vietnam recorded a trade surplus of 2.8 billion USD in the first 11 months of 2017, mainly contributed by the foreign-invested sector. Vietnam exported goods worth 193.8 billion USD in the first 11 months of this year, surging 21.1 percent year-on-year. In the reviewed […]

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Vietnam: Hanoi’s industrial production increases 8.5% in November

The Hanoitimes – According to the city’s statistics office, Hanoi’s industrial production index increases 8.5% rise in November. The office attributed the increase to production gaining speed for the year-end holiday season in such industries as confectionery, beer, ceramic bathroom fixtures and wood furniture. Total retail and services revenues in the month were estimated at 52 […]

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Laos firmly moves forward!

NDO – Today, the entire Party, army and people of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic are celebrating their 42nd National Day (December 2, 1975 – 2017). This is a historical event of great significance as it has opened a new page in the construction of a peaceful, independent, democratic, unified and prosperous country towards socialism, […]

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Thailand: E-business tax to be levied in 2018

An e-business tax, a levy on any online transaction that takes place in Thailand regardless of the e-commerce operator’s location, is expected to come into force next year, says the Revenue Department’s chief. A draft bill on the e-business tax sets a ceiling rate of 15%, but the actual rate will vary depending on the […]

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Indonesia: Jokowi Discusses Possible Candidates for Director General of Tax

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – President Joko Widodo alias Jokowi is currently looking at possible candidates for Director General of Taxes to replace Ken Dwijugiasteadi. “Director-General of Tax [candidates] will be discussed this noon,” Jokowi said at Kompas 100 CEO Forum on Wednesday. Ken Dwijugiasteadi currently holds the office of Director General of Tax of the Finance Ministry but […]

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