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Philippines: Banks put under stress test as COVID-19 lingers

MANILA, Philippines — The central bank has conducted a stress test on banks to assess their capacity to take in heavy losses during the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) outbreak and community lockdowns that disrupted their business. “We are looking at the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the bank industry,” central bank Governor Benjamin Diokno told in […]

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Indonesia should turn to VAT, digital tax to offset shortfall in state revenue: Analysts

Indonesia should turn to value-added tax (VAT) and large tech companies to address the widening shortfall in state revenue, analysts have said. Danny Darussalam Tax Center (DDTC) research partner Bawono Kristiaji said VAT and individual tax were generally more resistant to economic shocks like those that hit Indonesia during the 2008 crisis. “VAT is more resistant to […]

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Thailand: Outbreak jump-starts work from home

In one month, working from home has turned from a luxury for many office workers in Thailand to a necessity. While the transition is hampered by buggy video conferencing programmes, missed communications and unanswered emails, some office heads like the new concept, saying it can actually increase efficiency and keep workers happy. In the US, […]

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