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Ministry: Cambodia tourism sector expects more Chinese

Cambodia is expected to see a first flow of Chinese tourists visiting the country when the world is clear of COVID-19. Chinese tourists form the largest market for Cambodia. The Ministry of Tourism says it is preparing to receive many visitors from the country soon. Chinese tourists are a major market that will rebound and […]

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Cambodia: Fears of social unrest over virus

Developing countries such as Cambodia are facing more challenges from the global virus crisis, which questions have been raised over social unrest because of the rise of unemployment. Things cannot be predicted because 130 garment factories have applied for suspension, affecting 100,000 workers, while according to the Garment Manufacters Associatin of Cambodia (GMAC), approximately 60 […]

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Cambodia: No exclusive rights to import pigs from Thailand

The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has rejected accusations that it has offered a company exclusive rights to import pigs from Thailand, according to a letter responding to the Cambodia Pig Supply Association. The Minister has stated, that the association’s report missed information about big imports from neighbouring countries, especially from Thailand by accusing […]

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Cambodia: Gov’t must embrace debt, keep cash flowing

A leading international monetary organisation has advised regional governments – including Cambodia – to not become debt adverse and ensure working capital is available during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, in an effort to ensure liquidity is kept in the market for commercial lenders to flow through to small and medium enterprises. The comments have […]

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