Cambodia: Ministry confirms drop in tobacco exports
The export of tobacco to international markets dropped 53.58% in the first nine months of the year, the Agriculture Ministry confirmed.
From January to September, Cambodia exported a total of 2,514 tonnes of tobacco to eight countries including Vietnam, Belgium, Hungary, Bosnia & Herzegovina, China, Indonesia, Singapore and Germany.
The biggest market was Vietnam with a total of 2,432 tonnes; Belgium 59.42 tonnes; Hungary 19.80 tonnes; and Bosnia & Herzegovina 1.90 tonnes.
The areas known to have the best potential for growing tobacco are along the Mekong delta, including the Tonle Sap and Tonle Bassac rivers, especially in Tboung Khmum, Kampong Cham, Kratie and Kandal provinces, which are rich in sediments.
Last year, Cambodia exported 5,820 tonnes of dried tobacco worth a total of $17.4 million.