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Cambodia: FDI flow drops 50 percent Jan-May

Foreign direct investment (FDI) fell 50 percent Jan-May from the same period in 2020, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Investment projects for the first five months of 2021 were valued at $825 million, a 59 percent drop from results for the same period in 2020. The projects are expected to create 30,000 […]

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Philippines: Reported suspicious bank transactions surge

Reported suspicious current and savings accounts or CASA transactions in the country have surged in the last three years. This is according to the latest assessment of the Philippines‘ exposure to external and internal threaths based on suspicious transaction reports (STR) for 2018-2020 by the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC). In the assessment released on Wednesday, AMLC said the […]

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Vietnam: Construction materials at risk of oversupply

After a period of rapid development, some construction material products are facing the risk of oversupply. Offering discount to reduce inventory Cement, tiles, and construction glass are three products that the Ministry of Construction listed on the red alert category because of oversupply. Up to now, the total number of cement production lines has reached […]

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