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Philippines: Government eyes VAT on digital services

MANILA, Philippines — The government is bent on capturing the digital economy into the country’s value-added tax (VAT) base even as the international community has not yet agreed on the taxation of cross-border digital transactions, according to the Department of Finance (DOF). In a text message to reporters, Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez said the Philippines […]

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Thailand: Startup funding drought during pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic is taking a heavy toll on numerous startups as they struggle to gain customers and funding prospects dry up. Some investment pundits even project up to half of startups in pre-Series A funding are likely to disappear following the Covid-19 era. The pandemic is expected to shed at least 20% of venture […]

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Brunei passport among top three in SEA

Brunei passport holders have free access to 166 countries and territories and scored high in terms of taxation. But more needs to be done in personal freedom and global perception. The Sultanate ranked 47th globally among 199, said a report released by Nomad Capitalist on Tuesday. The Global offshore consulting firm ranked 199 economies in […]

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