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Thailand: Line readies e-commerce platform

With the online shopping market expected to rise to 470 billion baht in three years, messaging app Line is embarking on an e-commerce platform called Line Shopping by providing a wide assortment of items from 15 major online marketplaces. The move is expected to affect similar platforms, such as RebateMango and Shopback, as well as […]

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Illicit cigarettes, vape bleed Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has the unenviable honour of sitting on the throne of the highest level of illegal cigarettes in the world. This bleeds the country of at least RM5bil annually in uncollected taxes from the illicit cigarette trade. With the unregulated vaping products factored in, the government stands to lose RM6bil in total every […]

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Vietnam sees US$55 billion in M&A deals made in a decade

The Hanoitimes – Over the past 10 years, M&A activities in Vietnam have been growing strongly and become an indispensable part of the investment – business ecosystem in Vietnam. Total value of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals in Vietnam in 2018 hit US$10.2 billion, marking a big jump from just US$1.1 billion 10 years ago, leading […]

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Cambodia: Private firms hail holiday cut

The private sector has applauded the government’s decision to cut the number of public holidays. The move will boost the supply chain as Cambodia has the potential for labour-intensive work, especially in the garment sector, they said. According to a sub-decree on the public holiday calendar for 2020 signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen on […]

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